Privacy policy of StethoMe sp. z o.o. limited liability company StethoMe sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) having its seat in Poznań in Poland at the address ul. Winogrady 18A, entered into the Entrepreneur Register kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the Polish National Court Register (KRS) under the KRS number 0000558650, NIP (tax id. no.): 7831726542, REGON (Polish National Business Register Number): 361535342, is the Administrator of the website located at the address (hereinafter referred to as the Website). This web page informs of our information policy and collection, processing and disclosure of data, including personal data, while using our Website. §1. Administrator data, collection and use of information 1. The Administrator of data collected by the website is StethoMe sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) having its seat in Poznań in Poland at the address ul. Winogrady 18A, entered into the Entrepreneur Register kept by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the Polish National Court Register (KRS) under the KRS number 0000558650, NIP (tax id. no.): 7831726542, REGON (Polish National Business Register Number): 361535342. 2. Within the framework of use our Website, the Administrator may accumulate all kinds of data, including through the newsletter services - personal data in the form of first name, last name and e-mail address. 3. The personal data is: a. processed under law, reliably and transparently, b. collected for specific, clear and legally grounded purposes – provision of services through the Website, c. adequate, appropriate and limited to what is required for the purposes for which it is processed; d. correct and updated, if necessary; e. stored in a form enabling identification of person regarded by the data, for a period not longer than necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed; f. processed in a manner ensuring appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorised or illegal processing or accidental loss, destruction or damage. 4. The Administrator processes the data, including personal data, in a manner ensuring appropriate security of data, including protection against unauthorised or illegal processing or accidental loss, destruction or damage, by means of appropriate technical or organisational measures. These measures are updated by the Administrator. 5. You are entitled to withdraw at any moment the consent to processing of your data that you have granted us, by sending an e-mail message to the Administrator, containing a request for withdrawal of the consent granted. 6. The Administrator does not collect any personal data disclosing racial or ethnic background, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, or membership in labour union, does not process genetic data or biometric data for the purposes of unambiguous identification of a natural person, and does not collect any data regarding health, sexuality or sexual orientation. §2. Data collected by browsers 1. The Administrator may also collect information transmitted by web browsers used during using the services of the Administrator (log data). This information may regard data such as IP address, browser type, browser version, Administrator website page visited by a given person taking advantage of the Administrator’s services, duration and date of visit, time spent on the Administrator’s web pages, and other statistics. 2. In relation to the above, the Administrator may employ the services of third parties, such a Google Analytics, which collect, monitor and analyse the information of this type for the purposes of improving the functioning of the Administrator’s services. Third parties have their own privacy policies with regard to how they use the information of this type. §3. Cookies 1. Cookies are text files containing a small amount of information that can be considered personal data. Cookies are files sent from the web page to the web browser that you use for browsing the Website, which are then stored on your hard drive. 2. The Administrator uses cookies for collecting information. Everyone can decide to disable sending such files or give consent to sending only individual files of this kind in the settings of their web browser. If you do not accept cookies, you may not have full access to the services provided by the Administrator. §4. Your rights 1. You are entitled to obtain from the Administrator a confirmation whether any personal data regarding your person is processed, and if so, you are entitled to obtain access to it and to the following information: a. purposes of processing; b. categories of personal data concerned; c. information on recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data has been or will be disclosed, in particular on recipients in third countries or international organisations; d. to the extent possible, the personal data storage period envisaged, and when this is not possible, the criteria for establishing such period; e. information on the right to demand that the Administrator rectify, delete or limit the processing of personal data regarding the person regarded by the data, and the right to file an objection towards such processing; f. information on the right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory body; g. in the event of the personal data not having been collected from you – any information available regarding the data source; h. information on automated decision making, including on profiling, and important information on principles of making such decisions, as well as information on the significance and anticipated consequences of such processing for the person regarded by such data. 2. You are entitled to demand that the Administrator rectify immediately the incorrect personal data regarding your person. With taking the aims of processing into account, you are entitled to demand completion of incomplete personal data, including by presenting an additional statement. 3. You are entitled to demand that the Administrator delete immediately the personal data regarding your person, and the Administrator is obligated to remove the personal data without undue delay if any of the following circumstances take place: a. the personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which it has been collected or processed in another manner; b. you withdraw your consent on which the data processing is grounded and there are no other legal grounds for processing; c. you file an objection against processing of data, d. the personal data was processed in a manner not compliant with the law; 4. You are entitled to demand that the Administrator limit the processing in the following cases: a. when you question the correctness of your personal data - for the period enabling the Administrator to check the correctness of this data; b. when the processing is not compliant with the law and the client objects to deletion of personal data, demanding instead the limitation of its use; c. the Administrator no longer needs the personal data for the aims of processing, but you require this data for the purposes of establishing, asserting or defending claims; d. you have filed an objection against processing of data. 5. You are entitled to receive - in a structured, commonly used form fit for machine reading - the personal data regarding your person and you are entitled to send such personal data to another administrator without any obstacles on our side, provided that: a. the processing takes place under your consent, and b. the processing takes place in an automated manner. 6. The Administrator shall inform any recipient to whom the data has been disclosed of rectification or deletion of personal data or limitation of processing that we have carried out on the basis of provisions indicated above, unless it proves to be impossible or requires an unduly great effort. We will inform you of such recipients, if you so demand. §5. Application of security principles 1. The Administrator implements appropriate technical and organisation measures in order for the processing to take place and compliance with this policy and in order to be able to demonstrate it. Such measures are reviewed and updated by the Administrator, if necessary. 2. The Administrator implements appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to process by default only the personal data that is required for achieving every specific aim of processing. Such measures are: a. keeping a personal data processing activity register, b. pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data; c. capability to provide continuous confidentiality, integrity, accessibility and resilience of processing services and systems; d. capability to restore quickly the accessibility of personal data and access to it in the event of a physical or technical incident; e. regular testing, measuring and evaluation of efficiency of technical and organisational measures intended to ensure processing security. §6. Policy regarding underage persons 1. The services provided by the Administrator within the framework of the Website are not addressed to persons below the age of 18. 2. The Administrator does not collect knowingly any personal data of persons under the age of 18. If you are a parent or a guardian and you have information that someone provided the Administrator with personal data of a person under the age of 18, please contact us. If the Administrator receives any information on personal data of a person under the age of 18 having been collected without this being verified on part of the parent or guardian, the Administrator shall undertake actions aiming at removing such information from servers. §7. Changes to the policy The Administrator may update this policy from time to time. The Administrator shall provide information about every change to this document by publishing the new document at this web page.